Friday, June 18, 2010

Teatro absurdo

We went to a wonderful theater production, La Familia Rampante in a space that is a factory by day and underground cultural center by night.  It’s in a very quiet part of town – not well lit and a little deserted, but you enter the factory and pass by large machines that look like they’re from World War II and climb flights of stairs to arrive at a large open space with makeshift dividers to separate the waiting area and the “theater.”  There are ropes and fabric strung from the ceiling for circus practice on other nights.  Men were rolling ladders through as they were putting the final touches on the scenery and then the “doors” opened.  There were bleachers and chairs set up, and as we sat down, we all huddled to try stay warm in the balmy cement area.  Once the play began, though, I was enthralled and enraptured by the twisted and silly mafiosa family.  

The talent and range of artists in Buenos Aires continues to impress me.  Even at these small underground productions, the hard work and sincerity are very apparent and delivered tremendously.

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