Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Supermarket circuit

As my usual supermarket doesn’t have the largest selection of food, I’ve started to branch out and find others – but none of them have everything, so it becomes a circuit of supermercados to get everything that I need.  I started at the new dietética (health food stores that were started for diabetics) that opened a block away about a month ago.  I went into a daze with the amount of products that I had yet to encounter in Buenos Aires: pecans, pistachios, freshly dried fruit, flax seed, and so much more!  I assured the saleswoman that I would return frequently.  From there, I headed to the carnicería (butcher) that I had stumbled upon a few days prior.  They had turkey breast and Dijon mustard (about 5 varieties!) and tortillas!  Plus, the clerks were much more amiable than those at my regular supermarket.  But I did go there to get my basics: cereal, yogurt, eggs, milk – they’re the cheapest around.  The last stop was Disco, the upper scale grocery store, for my orange juice.  This is a chain grocery store similar to an Argentine version of Kowalski’s – all products are a bit more expensive than other grocery stores, but they do have some specialty items and the store lacks the common smell of rotting fruit.  I go there for my orange juice, because after trying many brands (even those that claim to be 100% juice), the Tropicana is the least sweet, and I can only find it at Disco.  The very last stop was the frutería (fruit stand) that carries some of the freshest fruit around - usually imported from Ecuador or Peru.  So, with seven small plastic bags later, I walked the two more blocks home excited by a successful grocery round.

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